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Navigate Life Mindfully
live in the present moment

"Chaos to Calm"
Get your FREE Mindfulness Meditation now!
Words can connect us or divide us. They can hurt us or heal us. They can never be unsaid. The echoes of hurtful words someone said may still be tucked inside your heart. Before words erupt that may hurt or divide, stop and listen to Chaos to Calm Meditation Intervention.
Chaos to Calm is intended to revive and reset the moment. This meditation will give you space so you can respond instead of react. In 2 minutes, you will reset your nervous system, and the words that you say will connect not divide, they will heal not hurt.
Feel like you're about to lose it? We all do! Save your sanity by clicking below.
Your Journey Starts Here
one breath at a time

Allow yourself to be transported from where you are to a stress-free place of healing, ease, and peace.
This meditation pack includes three curated meditations inviting you to deeply relax inside your body, come home to your heart, and to quickly decrease stress and anxiety.
- Healing Light Body Scan (15 min)
- Come Home to Your Heart (10 min)
- The Exhale Effect (5 min)
Get it here ➝

What if you were missing out on almost 50% of your life? Harvard University research says you are.
Live your life with mindful awareness and heartfelt presence. You live by default until you decide to live with awareness.
This is not a course to fix, change or improve yourself. It is a commitment to put the busy down, to live with intention, and to reclaim joy.
Now Available!
Join here ➝

Parenting through mindfulness and presence is a holistic parenting program to reduce parental stress and increase family harmony.
Parenting is stressful. Stress is the off switch to connect. Disconnection leads to burnout. Burnout for parents is real. Parental burnout is reported by 66% of all working parents. You are not alone.
Coming Soon!
Learn more ➝
More programs, self-paced courses, and 1-on-1 sessions coming soon!
Mindful Compass Will
Elevate Your Life
Remember a time when you arrived at a destination but couldn’t recall driving there?
Driving requires the presence of mind, where was yours?
Mindless living is ubiquitous.
We live by default until we choose to live with awareness.
Life is not a checklist to be completed while on autopilot.
Mindful Compass courses offer powerful neuroscience-based teachings.
You are busy and have enough on your plate. Our programs are designed to integrate with your already overflowing schedule. These courses will support you to alleviate anxiety, decrease stress, improve well-being, and elevate happiness.
Simple, transformative, and life-changing.
Are you ready to reclaim your life?
get started with Mindful CompassWords of Gratitude...
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